Saturday, February 10, 2007

Saturday again.

Boy, you would think that I would be able to post during the week. But as you can see that hasn't happened in a while. So here it is Saturday again. My week wasn't bad. I was busy at work so this week seemed to fly by. I still have my cough so sometimes when I talk too much I start coughing alot. Now if you know me...I like to talk so this is sometimes hard to remember to talk less. Maybe I should blog more when I have to talk less...boy that's a thought.

Taxes....hum...finally got the kids taxes done. I don't even want to look at ours. Between moving and selling and buying a house and all the crap that goes with PCSing I am not looking forward to this tax season. So I am going to find someone to do them for me. Yea I know I really need to start looking and get on the ball with this.

My son J....He is really working my last nerve. I know 18 years old and a senior and of course he knows it all. He isn't as bad as I was so that is a plus. He still doesn't have a job. I guess he thinks he doesn't need one. Hum...he needs a wake up call. OK back on the subject of J....I go out to the mail box and open it up and there are 10 yes 10 letters from layers for him. Now I am on my way to church so I am trying to be a good catholic and not flip out. But it is hard. I call him up cause he is staying at a friends house tonight after a hard day of ACT testing and ask him "What did you do?" Oh why does nothing require a lawyer I say. He then tell me..."remember last week when you made me come home for church, well I was running late so I ended up with a speeding ticket. I asked how fast were you going? Only 52 in a 35....Grrrrr....I am ready to kill him but as I said before I was on my way to church. So now he will have another incident added to his record of a fender bender and a speeding ticket while we lived in Tennessee. Now I know why kids shouldn't drive until they are 18. The last two were cheep compared to this one cause he was under 18 now he will have to pay the $160 for the ticket. He really does need a job to keep him out of trouble...On another note today we finally got his bed ordered. Now he is 6'2" and he needs an extra long bed so it had to be ordered. He has been sleeping an a foo ton. Poor kid...

I have been watching the news and Upstate NY is getting hammered with snow. I lived there for 11 years and have seen my fill of snow for the rest of my life. I can really say that I don't miss it and my heart goes out to all of those who are plowing and digging out of this mess.

My daughter S. is having trouble with her apartment management. They come in and out of the apartment all the time without any notice and she is getting tired of it. The last time they were in they searched her storage closed which is locked and seen that she had a little $20 tail gaiter grill and she got a notice to get rid of it or get put out. So now I really pissed cause the person she lives with has his girlfriend live with him for free and nothing was said to him about all her stuff in his room. Oh well...I told her only 4 more months and I will be up there to move her out of there. She can't wait.

Well hubby is off next week for a trip to Georgia and Tennessee...I will finally get a chance to join the YMCA and start my workouts again and I signed up for an online class which will start April 2...Things are really looking up and finally getting back to normal. YEA!!!!

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