Friday, November 28, 2008

November News

Haven't posted in a while. Not much new going on. Same old stuff. My daughter is now living in NY. She went back to Kentucky in June and the same things started happening again. So while the ex was there he packed up her things and decided that she, the baby and her boyfriend would come back here. We tried that once and it didn't work. Not because I didn't try but they were not happy here...So now she is in NY and not happy there either. It's hard to go back and live with someone when you have been out on your own for a while. But in order to save money they will have to suck it up and live there. I really wish it would have worked out here. Would have loved to have the baby here for her first Christmas but I guess it wasn't in the cards.

Been trying to get son #1 to move out. He just doesn't want to follow the rules of the house so I think it is time for him to leave. He says he has been looking and found something with another kid but so far he hasn't made any attempts to start packing up his room.

Son #2 is supposed to be trying to find a job. He says he is out there but so far in the last four months he has only gotten one interview. Can't be trying too hard.

Other than the little inconveniences in life I have much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband, healthy kids, a good job and nice house and my lovable furry creatures that make me smile everyday. With that said I wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving.