Sunday, August 17, 2008

So summer is almost over...

So, summer is almost over and the boys are ready to go back to school. At their age it really doesn't matter to me much since they are in college and high school. So lets see what has been going on since June. Hum....

Well my oldest son decided to get himself into a lot of trouble with the cops. He ended up in jail for 3 weeks, (I was not going to bail him out) and now we are waiting for the court date which is August 21st. In this process of him being stupid and I really hate using that term, he might end of losing his brand new 2008 dodge charge that he only had for a month. So to say the least it has been a very stressful 2 months.

On a brighter side, my youngest son got his license on August 8th and we went and purchased a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer. It's not a bad car and gets great gas mileage. So he will be driving to school this year.

My daughter finally got her stuff out of my garage this week. She flew down, without the baby...and picked up the truck and drove back to Kentucky. So now my dogs can get back into the garage again.

I will be flying down to Tennessee the end of September and will stop by to see my granddaughter Graycee. She is now over 3 months old and growing like a weed. Can't wait to see her.

Well say a couple of prayers for my son for his court date. Hope all works out. And then maybe my life will get back to normal....