Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday night

Well today is Friday and we only have 5 more days until we are homeowners again. I am trying to hold my excitement to a minimum. Being married to a person who works for the Army, I learned early on that you don't get excited until it happens. Anything can change at any time. I really wanted to be in the house before Halloween but that isn't going to happen. The boys are old enough so I will just go buy them some candy instead.

I called and made an appointment for the cable and internet to be hooked up the day after household goods are delivered which is not until Monday November 6th. Can't be without TV and internet for too long and it will give us the weekend to do any upgrades to the house that we seem fit. There really isn't much I need to do to move in. We will need a fence for the dog and I would love to paint the kitchen which is pink right now. Not my favorite color but if that doesn't happen I will not be too heart broken. The kitchen is probably the least favorite room in the house any way since I really don't like to cook and don't do too much of it. But I am excited with this house. It isn't as big as the house in Tennessee but it is big enough for everyone to have their own space. The kids bedrooms are all upstairs and they have 1 full bath and 1 half bath to share. Our bedroom is down stairs and I love it cause we get some privacy being away from the kids. They have the whole upstairs as their own. Ok, so I am getting excited...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Today is a better day...

OK, so today is a better day and after venting yesterday I feel a lot better and realize that things could be a lot worse. The sun was shinning today, my kids are semi happy and healthy, I have my dog with me in the hotel on this PCS and the best of all even though my husband is stressed out and seems far away he is here with me and not deployed. We will soon be in our new home on November 1st and I will be off looking for a new job. Soon things should start getting into a normal mode. Now if I could just win the lottery...hehehe...ok so I can still wish and dream big. I just need to keep a positive attitude. Sometimes it is so hard when you are always fighting to get things done but I know it is a hard time for everyone with this war going on. So my goal for today is to take things in stride and don't sweat the small stuff.

If it could go wrong it will....

Today I am frustrated. My husband is stressed to the max with his new position and I am still stuck in a hotel. We should have been in our house already but the first house that we picked and made an offer and was accepted fell through. The seller breached the contract. So we had to start the process all over again. We did find another house and made an offer but we can't get into it until November 1st. So because of the first sellers breech we ended up in the hotel for 3 more weeks.

Second, I applied for unemployment benefits from the state of Tennessee because I had to leave my job and PCSs with my husband to Ft. Bragg, but I was denied. I appealed. I receive notice today that my appeal as been denied. Apparently the state of Tennessee does not think that PCSing with your husband is a good cause for for leaving ones job. "Relocation for the purpose of accompanying a spouse, military, or civilian is regarded as a personal reason with respect to voluntary separation with the work place" is how it was worded. It is so nice to know that there is a state out there that does not support it military or government workers.

So I asked can this day get any worse yes but it's not going to...cause I am going to bed, say my prayers and another day is about to begin. So much for my inconvenient of the day. Tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

My first entry

Ok...I am sitting here reading blogs so I decided to create one for myself. We (my family and I, husband S., 2 boys J. and N. and dog Buddy) just PCS to North Carolina. Currently we are still living in a hotel. We have been here for about 2 months now. My husband works for the Department of the Army where he gets to deploy and gets to PCS. He now works at Ft. Bragg. We lived in Tennessee for 2 years and he worked at Ft. Campbell. Before that we got to live in Upstate NY for 11 years where he worked at Ft. Drum. He did two tours in Korea, no I did not go, but did have the pleasure of plowing all the snow during the winter..lucky me. He has already done two 4 month deployments to Iraq and I am hoping he doesn't have to go back too soon. No these are not his only deployments...he has deployed to Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and of course Iraq. I on the other hand, try to keep myself busy with 2 sons J. and N. in high school and a daughter S. in college. I hope to go back to work when we finally get settled into a normal life...