Saturday, July 28, 2007

Glad the week is over...

Well to start off my husband was away last week. The office administrator was on vacation at work so to say the least I had a full week at work and at home. It was hell trying to find someone to cover the phones so I could pick my son N. up at drivers ed at 10am everyday so I had to bribe my son J. to come and get him. Actually he bribe me by staying at friends houses all week long so he used the excuse that he would pick up his brother for me. hum...yes it worked...

Thursday I got a phone call from my husband that his plane was changed and he would be coming in at 4:30 instead of 6:30 so I frantically found someone to cover the phones for me and I left at 4:30. He only had to wait 15 minutes at the airport. Not too bad but as I was driving home my cell phones rings again and it was my friend J. calling me with some bad news. My ex father in law passed away Thursday right after he talked to my boys. Tell me that isn't weird. So for the last 2 days my phone, her phone, my ex, and his sister have all been talking back and forth about what is going to happen. He didn't want any kind of viewing so he will be cremated. My kids were of course upset. They were very close to him but I think they are relieved that he is out of his misery. Rest in Peace.

Friday, I couldn't pick up my son so I asked J. to get him and to also drop off his truck cause he needed tires really really bad. So we dropped it off at a place down the street from work and they call me and tell me that he needs brakes too. My daughter also called me and asked me to pay for her tune up and oil change. So on Friday I spent $1200 getting everyone cars fixed. They just don't realize how much the maintenance of a vehicle can run you. They thing they can just gas and go. They are good about oil changes thought so I guess that when the big stuff rolls around I can help out.

So much for my exciting week. Hope next week is better.

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