Sunday, April 29, 2007

Busy week again...

Where do I begin...Last Saturday 4/21/07 was our Big Spring Gala Fundraiser. It was at the Metropolitan Room downtown. The cost was $1,000 a ticket to win a 2004 BMW. Nice car but I'm a truck/motorcycle kinda girl...anyway we got a nice turnout and everything went smoothly for the most part. It was a black tie event so I had to get dressed Harley gear...Did actually wear stocking so the tats wouldn't show. Yea, I'm nice like that...not really a place to show them off.

Last Sunday we went riding again...I think this is the most we been out on the bike in two years. The husband was gone so much when we lived in Tennessee that when he wasn't gone we were busy with the house and stuff. We decided to just check out the map and we went to a Battlefield. It was a real nice ride and the battlefield/park was really nice too. They had a museum and a 10 minute movie on the battle that went on there. We had a nice time.

The work week went pretty fast. Tuesday night I took the cat to the rabies clinic to get her a shot since it was only $5.00 and she really isn't my cat but has adopted the front porch as her home so I figured at least I can get her a rabies shot. I left work about 15 minutes early and so did my co-worker. I get to the site of the clinic and left her in the car with my son...there were tons of dogs and big ones too. But all went well and I even made my workout class at the Y.

But the next day at work wasn't too nice. Me and my co-worker called in the bosses office and got yelled at for leaving work 15 minutes early. Now there was another co-worker L. down stairs and we told her that we were leaving and to please listen for the phones. But that didn't matter. And that we are to work 8:30-5pm no excuses. Everyone else gets to come and go as they please cause they sometimes work off site but when they don't work off site it is none of our concern that they aren't here. And he also told us that we were coming in later and later. I used to be at my dest buy 8am but since I don't start work until 8:30 I started coming in at 8:30 now. But to him its later and we told him that we were not going to come in early and that we are always...yes always here but 8:30 when we are supposed to start. I am also not going to stay late anymore either. When the phone rings at 5:05 I am going to just walk out since I finish work at 5pm. I was so pissed but I am getting over it.

I got an email from a really good friend of mine. I was really excited to hear from her. She still lives in upstate NY and I really miss her. That email really made my day.

Saturday 4/28/07 we went on the HOGS and RAGS ride to Myrtle Beach. What a nice ride. We met at the Airborn Museum and we were served coffee, juice and donuts. We got a police escort in every town that we went through. We ate like pigs starting with breakfast at the Rocking A. Ranch in White Oak and that was served by celebrities (our congressman and senator were there along with others) and ending with a buffet lunch at Dock Holidays in Myrtle Beach. There was entertainment, raffles and a silent auction. There was about 50 bikes and about 30 cars.

I was surprised that there were no female drivers and that they don't use hand signals alot here. Riding upstate hand signals were always used buy either the driver or the back rider. We didn't have police escort so it was very important that everyone knew what was going on. We would always have a mini session on signals and what was going on.

Everything was so well planned. I was really impressed. When we got close to a town the police were ready and waiting to escort us through. There was so many pictures taken and I can't wait for them to be posted on the website: The event only cost us $40.00 which went to charity (autism and cancer). Not only did we get breakfast and lunch but we also got a T-shirt. I was able to purchase a T-shirt for only $12.00. I have to say I really enjoyed myself and I can't wait for next years ride.

Well here it is Sunday again....doing wash and getting ready for Monday. Trying not to kill my kids. They have been working on my last nerve lately....N. was supposed to clean the house Saturday but when I got home it wasn't done so I ended up doing it. Now I did not tell him to clean it he offered cause he needed some extra money...he lost out on that one. J. on the other hand had three bags of trash in his room. Mostly empty water bottles and he was supposed to clean it yesterday...but since I was not home to be up his butt he went out instead. Then he was supposed to clean his sink in his bathroom...but his excuse was that he didn't have any cleaning stuff so today I bought him his own can...wonder what his excuse will be now....

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