Friday, March 23, 2007

Time Just Flying By....

Ok, here it is March 23 already...It's been three weeks since my last post and I really don't know where the time went. Things have been extremely busy at work and I have been working out 4 times a week and yes I have started tanning again. So by the time I get home at night it is after 8pm. Way too tired to think about heading upstairs to the computer to post a blog. So here I am at work doing it instead.

Things around the house have been pretty quiet. My son J. hasn't been home much with running back and forth to school and working his life is pretty full. My son N. just built himself a new computer. It took about a month to order all the parts cause he had to save up to pay for them but it is all completed now and it works.

My daughter S. has been debating on weather or not to move to NC or stay in KY. I wish I could help her but this has to be her decision. At this moment she is looking for a new apartment in KY so if she finds a good one I think she will stay there and finish college. I told her I am only a plane ticket away and she can come down at any time.

My husband S. has been just as busy at work. He was gone for a couple of weeks but now is back. It has been so nice to have him home. This is the longest he has ever been home since we have been together.

Me...well I attended my first Premiere Party at the Museum. We change our Gallery every two months and have a Premiere Party to promote the artists. It was really nice. We are getting ready for our Gala Party. This is a black tie event where we will auction off a car. We are also getting ready for our summer events...Fayetteville After Five where we will host an event downtown at Festival Park with food, music and drinks. We got our pictures back from the architect on the new building. We plan on moving downtown in the next year or so. So to say the least there is a lot going on at work. Financially, we had a grant due and two quarterly reports due, financials, due and monthly reports due so to say it again it is a busy time here. sister in law is still at her parents house. Her mom is sick and recovery from surgery. Please keep them in your prayers. My brother could also use some prayers as he is home with 4 boys ages 10-18. I still haven't heard from my parents since my brother and I backed out of the cruise...rumor has it they are still going with my two nieces and their family. Actions always have consequences.

It is going to be nice this weekend so the plan is to ride, ride and ride some more. Can't wait to feel the wind in my face. What a great feeling....

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