Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another interview...

Well I had another interview with a really good company. I don't want to publish it yet until I know for sure if they are going to offer me the job. The interview went really well and a week later they called me back for a second interview. I am keeping my fingers crossed on this one cause I really want it. It will be a cut in pay but not that much and there is much more advancement here. So I hope to find out on Tuesday if they want me or not. I sure do hope so.

We got our cat Lucy fixed and gave the kittens away to the vet last Monday. It was really hard but I just didn't have the time to take care of them the right way. So I am hoping they will get adopted. So far as of Thursday they were still there. It took Lucy a couple of days to finally stop calling for them and I really thought about getting them back but she is now going back outside and enjoying herself. So again I hope they they get adopted.

My son J. hum.... had to put an alternator in his now in less than a year we have put two new starters, an alternator, new tires and brakes...hum I am thinking he is a really bad driver. Oh well....

My daughter is going really good. She heard the heart beat and goes for an ultrasound on the 28th so maybe I will get some pictures of my new grandbaby...

Well nothing else is going on right I hope all my friends and family Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

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