Friday, October 26, 2007

Still looking for a new job...

Well, lets see where we are with the job start off S.left work, L. replaced her for 3 weeks but ended up taking an other job for more money. We have hired E. She is ok and getting better each day. It is hard to click with someone right away. We are the only ones up stairs so we need to get along and communicate. But this has not stopped me from looking for a new job. I did have an interview and then received word that they wanted a second interview with me. I think I would have gotten that job but they offered me $6,000 less than what I am making now and with two kids in college and a grandbaby on the way (another story) it just wasn't feasable for me to take that much of a cut in pay. Even if it is for peace of mind. Good old peace of mind doesn't pay the bills. I did send out a couple more resumes but haven't heard from them.

Now on to the grandbaby story...I found out in September that my daughter is expecting a baby. I guess it took me a while to get over the shock. She still has to finish college but hopefully she is strong enough to handle this and go to school. I keep on telling her that I am too young to be a grandma.... :-) Now that the shock has warn off I am excited about it and can't wait to find out what it is going to be so I can start buying baby stuff...Her due date is May 16, 2008.

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