Sunday, September 16, 2007


Between my sons and my husband I don't know which one is worse. My son J. is getting out of control with staying out all weekend long and giving me all kinds of attitude. So tonight I sat him down and told him the things are about to change. He is no longer allowed to stay out all weekend long and he has to come home after work during the week. But of course my husband who has had a few too many which always makes it a fun (sarcastic) night decided to get into the conversation and told him to get out. Now I told him if he doesn't like the new rule changes that he had one month to find somewhere else to live. But I in no way would through him out tonight. So what started out as a conversation/explanation ended up in a screaming match with my husband doing all the screaming. My other son N. was told if he doesn't start doing what he is told he can go live with his father. He was told to clean his room last week and it is still not done. Boy these are the days that I wish I could run away from home....I sure do hate really sucks sometimes.

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