Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Those annoying little mishaps...

OK, so Monday started off as any other Monday would...of course my husband couldn't sleep at all Sunday night, that is the norm. His mind just will not shut off, thinking about all the things he needs to do at work. He needs to learn to de-stress. Anyway...he leaves for work about 6am. Now I can't get back to sleep so I get up and start straightening up the house. I have a lot of running to do today so I thought I would get a head start on things...wrong... My sons get up and get ready to leave for school...a little background on the school. I did not switch them when we moved so the school is a 1/2 hour away. He gets in his truck, yes it is old, and it doesn't start. So now he comes into the house and I have to get dressed to take them to school. While I was on that side of town I thought I would try to get some of my running done. I did manage to get most of it done so I was happy about that.

First I picked up the receipts from the realtor that the seller had fixed in the house. Then I had to stop at the bank cause our new mortgage payment is wrong. (Not too happy with this bank). Had to wait 20 minutes since the bank was not open yet but it was better than going all the way home and then back again. But I didn't have all my paper work so I did end up going home and coming back again. She did try her best but I ended up calling everyone that worked on our mortgage and finally got it all fixed.

On the way home I had to stop at the DMV to pick up a book to study for the written test. Yes I have to take a test. I guess it is the rules of the state. So since my daughter is coming here on Friday to take her test and get her new plates I will take mine too and hopefully I will pass cause if I don't I guess I won't be able to drive. Oh the stress....

Then I had to register at our new church. She was very nice but talked my ear off. I guess I didn't help any either since I love to talk and will talk to anyone who will listen to me.

Then back to the bank again. Finally I was home took a shower and waited for the well man to come. This is my first experience with well water. Always a first for something. He came and did his yearly clean up and added some bleach to clean out the tanks. So when I got home from picking up the boys (cause his truck didn't start) I had to flush out the water in all the sinks and stuff. So the water was running in all rooms. As I went to turn the water on in our shower, I broke the on/off knob. So I couldn't turn it on.

So now my husband gets home from work at 6pm, and jumps my son's truck and yea it turned over so I guess it was the battery. He let it charge for a while and it seems OK. Yes it did start this morning and so far no phone calls. Then before he even gets changed from his dress cloths I have to tell him that I broke the handle in our shower. Yes he fixes it. So now I can turn the water on. Of course it splashed up on me and now one of my favorite sweatshirts is bleached. I should have know better.

Finally he decides to go to bed. I watch some more TV and then off to bed. One last flush of all the toilets and I brake the handle on our toilet in our bedroom. So I had to open the lid and pull the handle from the inside to flush it. Thank goodness we have the 1/2 bath not too far away in case. No I did not wake him but I did tell him this morning.

Hopefully today will to a little smother. I have some phone calls to made and then off to a school meeting for my son N. No nothing bad this time.

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